
1000 Awesome Things

Lost and FOUND

I chose these two entries from my Passion Blog, which I wrote about various websites.  Each of these sites can entertain anyone for hours while having relatively simple concepts.  1000 Awesome Things is just that.  A list of any little thing that is awesome.  FOUND Magazine is a huge collection of things people have found, and found interesting.  These two sites celebrate the little things in life, like the smell of a barbecue or a picture found in the parking lot of the grocery store.  I had been to both of these sites before I started writing my blog, but had not visited them for a while until I wrote the entries.  It renewed my interest in the websites, and I visit them much more regularly now.

Graffiti / Street Art

I loved writing this entry about the argument of whether Graffiti / Street Art is actually art.  I strongly feel that it is a form of art, and that it is absolutely fascinating.  The film Exit Through the Gift Shop shows just how carefully planned each piece of street art must be in order for it to be successful, and how the community of street artists is similar to any other community in the art world.  There is a stigma about people who make street art, which is that they are criminals or have ill intent, but these people have families just like anyone else.  Exploring the world a street art was wonderful, and this blog post was equally as enjoyable to write.
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